Obsidian – Caldera

12 | 5 | -1 | 2

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Varenummer (SKU): N/A Kategori:

Obsidian Caldera er en super lækker distance driver med overraskende lang rækkevidde. Obsidian er en finsk producent af høj kvalitets discs i lækkert plastik.

Caldera is a slightly overturning, long-gliding driver of speed class 12 with a rim width of 23 mm. for fast throws Caldera will have a slightly turn, but will return to a reliable fade. For professional players Caldera suits best for harder hyzerflips, but novice players can also gain a lot of distance, even with a speed class this high. Caldera is made of H9 plastic material, which is very durable yet flexible, and with a good grip compared to other premium plastics. H9 is also one of the best materials for dyeing.

N.B. This and other Calderas from the new production run are slightly more understable than stated in the printed flight ratings.




Gul, Orange, Tilfældig


Distance driver

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